This website and its services and/or products are managed by Energy Tech Solution (hereinafter referred to as “company,” “we,” “us,” “our”). This privacy notice describes how and why we might collect, store, and/or share personal information in accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act and how to appropriately handle grievances related thereto.
Effective 27 June 2023.
1. Purpose of Personal Information Collection and Use
We collect and process personal information strictly for purposes mentioned below. In accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act, if we use the personal information for a different purpose than stated, then we will take the necessary and appropriate measures in accordance with the law (i.e., obtain legal consent).
* Process refers to the collecting, creating, storing, editing, retrieving, searching, correcting, using, sharing, amending, erasing, and all other similar acts regarding personal information managed by businesses and organizations.
A. Methods of Collecting Personal Information
• The company informs and seeks user’s consent beforehand.
• We collect and store information that users voluntarily provide to us when they express an interest in obtaining additional information about us, our products, services, or otherwise when users contact us.
• This can also come in the form of consultations through the customer center (i.e., website, email, fax, phone call, etc.).
B. Personal Information That Is Automatically Collected.
• There is some personal information that is automatically collected (i.e., IP address, cookies, date of access, usage history, device information, and unauthorized use history, etc.).
C. Reasons for Collecting and Processing Personal Information.
• User protection – for identification, authentication, and prevention of unauthorized use of products and services.
• Provision of goods and services – personal information is processed to provide appropriate services, contents, and more to users.
• Marketing and advertising - personal information is processed for the purpose of developing new or provide customized goods and services, and provide users with information and opportunities.
2. What Information Is Collected?
A. The Company collects the following personal information for business purposes:
a. Name
b. Contact Information (phone/mobile, email)
c. Company Name
d. Your Title
e. Location (Country and Region)
f. Inquiry (Questions)
B. The Company does not collect, store, use or process any personal information of those under the age of 14.
3. Retention and Use Period of Processed Information
A. The Company will process and retain personal information for as long as necessary for the purposes set in this privacy notice and permitted by law.
B. If the processed information must continue to be preserved beyond its purpose and period, then it will be transferred and stored in a separate database (backup archives) until deletion in accordance with the laws.
a. Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.
• Information regarding marketing, advertisement, contract details and execution, etc.: 6 months
• Contract or subscription cancellation, payment, and supply: 5 years
• Customer feedback, complaints, or dispute settlements: 3 years
• Information regarding the website (visits, etc.) will be processed separately in accordance with the Protection of Communications Secrets Act: 3 months
4. Methods and Procedures for Deleting Personal Information
The Company will delete personal information in accordance with applicable laws, such as expiration of processing and retention period or when purpose is achieved. The procedures for the removal of personal information are as follows:
A. Information will be deleted unless applicable laws require further retention,
B. Processed and stored information to be deleted will undergo an extensive procedure that renders it impossible to be duplicated or reproduced (digital) whereas physical (paper) information will be shredded and incinerated. If the information must be retained, then it will be stored in a separate location.
5. Rights and Obligations of Users, Legal Representation, and How to Exercise Them
A. The owner of the personal information (user) may exercise his/her right to view, edit, delete, or request the suspension of processing at any time,
B. The rights mentioned above can be exercised via writing, email, or fax in accordance with Article 41 (1) of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Act, and will be executed without delay,
C. The owner (user) of the information may exercise his/her rights through an agent such as a legal representative. In this case, the individual must submit a Power of Attorney (form can be found in Attachment #11 of the “Notification on Personal Information Processing Method” No. 2020-7),
D. Requests for access and suspension of personal information may restrict the other rights of the user in accordance with Articles 35 (4) and 37 (2) of the Personal Information Protection Act,
E. A request for correction (changes) and deletion of personal information cannot be made if the specific information is subject to another applicable law,
F. The Company has the right and may request verification of the individual or legal representative that made the request for access, correction, deletion, or suspension of personal information processing.
6. Measures to Ensure the Security of Personal Information
The Company’s highest priority is in the security of all personal information. The measures are as follows:
A. Administrative
a. Establish and implement an internal management plan.
b. Designate the minimal number of employees to oversee and handle the information to ensure security.
c. Regularly execute employee training on handling personal information and improving security.
B. Technical
a. Restrictions and access rights to the system
i. Extensive and regulated access to the database and system of the processed personal information.
ii. Control and prevent any unauthorized external access using an intrusion prevention system.
b. Encryption
i. Personal information like passwords are encrypted, stored, and processed in a way that only the specific user can know and access. Other personal and sensitive information are secured through separate security functions such as a file lock function for encrypting files or data transmission.
c. Measures against hacking or intrusion
i. Systems and security programs are continuously updated and installed to prevent information leakage, hacking, computer viruses, and other cybersecurity threats.
ii. Systems are in place that can monitor all internal and external activities, block, and eliminate potential threats.
C. Physical
a. Regulated access to system, computers, archives, etc.
7. Installation, Utilization, and Rejection of Devices or Programs that Automatically Collect Personal Information
A. Like other businesses, The Company uses cookies to provide users with personalized services. These cookies are stored and can be used to retrieve information.
B. Cookies are information sent by the server (http) and used to operate the website on the user’s computer and web browser. Cookies may be stored on the user’s computer hard disk (drive).
a. Cookies provide personalized and optimized information and experience to users. It is used to identify users, website visit, services used, terms searched, secure connections, etc.
b. Users can reject cookies and prevent them from being stored in the web browser menu and settings.
i. Internet Explorer 11 (Windows 10 and above)
1. Go to “Tools” and select “Internet Options”
2. In the “Privacy” tab, select “Advanced Settings”
3. Select to block or allow cookies
ii. Microsoft Edge
1. Navigate to “…” on the upper right corner
2. Go to “Settings” and click on “Privacy, Search, and Services”
3. Can select desired type of “Tracking Prevention” (i.e., Strict)
4. Can select to Send “Do Not Track” requests
iii. Google Chrome
1. Navigate to “⋮” on the upper right corner
2. In Settings, click on the “Privacy and security” section
3. Click on the “Cookies and other site data” tab
4. Can select “Block third-party cookies”
* Blocking all or certain cookies can cause disruptions or difficulties in using our services.
8. Personal Information Manager and Officer
A. Energy Tech Solution is responsible for handling the personal information but also designates a trustee (Digital Chosun Ilbo) to manage and process personal information such as storage and security, system operation, etc.
B. In accordance with Article 26 of the Personal Information Protection Act, The Company will specify in documents:
a. Prohibition of processing personal information for any reason other than its intended purpose permitted by law.
b. All personal information protection and security measures and procedures.
c. Access and restrictions by the designated trustee.
d. Other responsibilities such as compensation related to any damages, inquires, complaints, legal actions, etc.
C. If the above information or designated trustee change, then The Company will immediately disclose and update the privacy policy.
9. Grievances and Infringement of Rights
A. The Company appoints an officer responsible for handling grievances and compensation relating to any violations, infringements, or damages regarding personal information.
a. Officer: Jin-sook Park (Management Support Team)
b. Request for access to personal information: Management Support Team
c. Contact: 02-2082-0003, 0004, 0005
d. Inquiries:
B. Users may contact the individuals or teams listed above for all inquiries, grievances, and damages related to personal information while using the services.
C. Users may also contact the individuals or teams listed above to request access to their personal information in accordance with Article 35 of the Personal Information Protection Act. The Company will then promptly and appropriately handle the requests.
D. For reports or consultations regarding personal information infringement, please contact the following:
a. Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center: (no area code) 118 (
b. Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee: (no area code) 1833-6972 (
c. Supreme Prosecutors’ Office: (no area code) 1301 (
d. National Police Agency: (no area code) 182 (
10. Changes to the Privacy Policy
A. In the case of any addition, removal, modifications, updates, or changes to this Privacy Policy, The Company will notify users at least seven (7) days prior, via the Announcements or Notice section.
B. In the event of significant changes regarding user rights (i.e., changes in the contents of personal information collected, processed, and used), The Company will notify users at least thirty (30) days in advance, and may seek consent, if necessary.
- Date of Announcement: 27 June 2023
- Effective Date: 27 June 2023