Based on our company's battery equipment and
technical know-how, we pre-develop and optimize secondary battery and electrode processes

Energy Tech Solution conducts R&D on battery cells to meet various customer requirements, as outlined below

  • CASE 01
    Customer looking to start a battery business

    We research and develop a purpose-specific secondary cell for clients who want to enter the battery industry (e.g. EV, UAM, ESS, MOBILITY, etc.)

  • CASE 02
    Customers who want to pilot-produce and develop finished batteries

    We conduct research for customers who want to pilot and develop finished battery products based on specific new materials in four areas (anodes, cathodes, electrolytes, and separators)

  • CASE 03
    Customers who need samples of finished cells

    We conduct cell R&D for customers requiring finished cell samples for performance and safety testing evaluation of secondary batteries

  • CASE 04
    Customers who want to proactively address production risks based on cell characteristics

    We conduct cell R&D for customers who want to proactively address production risks related to cell characteristics before mass production of secondary batteries

  • CASE 05
    Customers seeking a supply of electrodes and evaluation cells

    We conduct R&D on electrodes and evaluation to reduce the development time of secondary cells